It was the oldies station.

When did that happen? When did the great songs I grew up with and still hear in my local bars become "oldies?" A few weeks ago, I was at a bar (oddly enough) and a smoking hot woman came up to me and commented on the song that my friends and I were singing along with the juke box. She joined in, finished an entire verse and the chorus of the song and then told me how great that song was. This was one of those great moments you get in life where you make a connection with a total stranger over a song you feel passionate about. I was enjoying the moment all the way until she said "I love the 80's and all those oldies."
Someone pass me my walking cane please...
I know, I know. I need to be realistic. I'm hitting my mid 30s and these things happen. But isn't it odd that everyone prepares you for puberty, the college years, your first job, marriage and the golden age but neglects the time in between. I'm sorry, but I don't remember any movie (off the top of my head) about these years that doesn't revolve around divorce, baby mama drama or any Lifetime network subject. Where are the "coming of middle age" movies that don't have a protagonist with a thousand regrets or make it seem like a disease. Where are the movies of good friends, good conversation, good music and an overall good feeling. I'm not saying I'm happy go lucky everyday, but I'm definitely more than just content with the way life is. Maybe my friends and I are just an anomaly. The new step in evolution. Communal relationships without significant drama. Relationships that revolve around good times and plenty of laughter. Laughing at everything about life and ourselves - even those subjects which make us uncomfortable. Having people you can just sit in a room with and not say a word. I think I need to make a movie about that for the next group of thirty somethings (what are we, generation X?Y?2.0? Who knows?).
Until then, put some Journey on that juke box and get me a drink...
after i pass you a cane, can you pass me a walker. you know...the kind with the tennis balls
you make me feel like knitting. (lol)I have a bunch of 19 year olds working for me and when I mention 'Ozzy' they say 'Oh the reality TV star? or Kelly's dad?' Save me jeebus! Music hasn't been the same since the 80s!!
If you start knitting, knit me a pair of "bootsies"
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