Monday, July 7, 2008

You're Going To Get Shocked!

Once upon a time, our country used to run on the idea of pure capitalism. Let's face it -we consume more useless crap than any nation in the world because we have more disposable income than any other nation. For those of you that want to argue this point, see if the teenage kids in Serbia or Ethiopia are paying 300 USD to get the new Jordan Collezione sneaker on its release date and then we'll talk. It used to be that you could easily win an election with any platitude about the robust economy and our purchasing power. Since 9/11 our country feels like it's been run by something else - fear.

It seems we spent the years after 9/11 living in a haze like a kid who just got a wedgie and can't believe it happened to him. Living in NY, less than 1/2 an hour from Ground Zero I fully understand. Its felt like we have a big target painted on our backs and everyone walks around in a semi-conscious state. To date, I have yet to visit the construction site. It's just not something I like to remember.

It seems every week during the first few years, we received constant terror alerts. Some nationwide, but most only in NY. While the rest of the US changed their alert status to orange, NY was always in red. Some will even argue that the previous election was won on because of how they portrayed fear (if you remove the Florida ballot factor).

The past year, we have been led with the fear that we're running out of gas, when in reality there is plenty of gas to go around. If we could get OPEC to flood the market or stop these morons who predict oil futures from talking to anyone with purchasing power. They are creating the problem by predicting the problem.

Now, it seems we will soon be focused back on terror in the skies. I just read an article on Gadling ( highlighting a stun bracelet that the Department of Homeland Security is considering making us wear for air travel. Check the link out and click the my blog title to see the sales video attached to this product. Half way into the video, they actually had me believing it was a good idea to wear a bracelet. I felt safe and warm and fuzzy inside...

WTF? The basic concept is this:
  1. Check in at airport counter
  2. Receive bracelet with personal info linked to checked in bags- no bording pass needed
  3. Big brother may now watch all your movements through the airport.
Yes, TSA and Homeland Security will now know that you visit the rest room 4 times before actually boarding the plane. All under the disguise of safety.

I don't know how I feel about this. While I like the idea of knowing that there is added protection, I don't like the idea of little miss Susie sunshine stewardess...I mean flight attendant...controlling the actual activation. What if she (or he) gets the wrong person? What if I swapped seats? I doubt the attendants are going to check the terrorist's ID to make sure they activate the correct bracelet. Or what if they simply activate a bunch of them and stun half the plane to control the threat. Then we all simply become collateral damage.

Besides, 200+ bracelets emitting an electric charge on a plane? I'm not even allowed to use my cell phone in flight and you want to bring mini stun guns on board? Didn't a small electrical spark bring down one of those TWA planes back in the day? ONE spark. Imagine several interfering with the wiring of the aircraft.

Feeling safe yet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am interested in this bracelet - funny I think it is a good idea. I am willing to risk getting shocked knowing that if something happened the SOB behind it would get shocked too. Of course I also don't mind any of the security they have implemented. When I went on my honeymoon there was military all over with big guns. I didn't bat an eyelash because I know I was not doing anything wrong. I fly a lot more now than I used to so the safer they make it the better.

Fear not about the shock bringing down the plane - there is no way they would try it if it was going to do that all those dead people would cost too much money.