Monday, October 27, 2008

Thinking Of Not Voting?

In case you were thinking of NOT voting, just remember what the current administration thinks of you...

To see his self described "one-fingered victory salute" click below.

Now make sure you go vote...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Wish I Couldn't Remember...Eating That Entire Pie...

Scientists may one day be able to erase selective memories that you don't want to remember. According to this BBC article, lab tests are already being done on mice to erase part of their memories. I won't bore you with the specifics - you can read the article, but the possible applications to humans include erasing painful memories and traumatic experiences.

While erasing the memory of a rape, or a war veteran's horrid mental flashbacks might sound appealing, I have to wonder where the line would be drawn. There are always statements made by the pharmaceutical companies and the FDA that these things will be regulated, but we all know that these can be abused. Where would the line be drawn? Would we bypass molestation as a child and use it to forget the loss of a pet? Of a family member? What about forgetting a bad break up? Or even a bad marriage (I know a few friends who would love that)? Where do you stop?

Let's look at it in an existential way. If the sum of your experiences is what makes your mind, your soul and your basic existence, then wouldn't the removal of these events change who you are? We consistently hear about how a child who had a rough experiences felt he needed to work harder and in turn becomes a superstar later in life. What if you removed those experiences? Would the child still become an over achieving adult?

There is a reason that the mind remembers. Our mind knows that the sum of our experiences helps us decide future actions. If there is an experience that we simply cannot handle, the mind has been known to block that out too - without the use of a drug.

As painful as it may be, I see this much in the same light as I see altering the female monthly cycle (previous post). If you alter certain things in the body, the body (and mind) will eventually adapt its way around it.

What if a side effect was the mind providing you flashbacks to these chemically blocked memories? Wouldn't you think that you're going nuts?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

An Inebriated Moment...

What are we? Less than 20 days until the election? This is the time when things are going to get nasty. I figure all we can do is ignore all the BS and make an educated decision on what we've learned so far. As I sit with my friends during a poker game (with a few drinks), I'm reminded of what's important and what can't be taken away from us. While the next president-elect can make our lives monitarily difficult, they can't take away our experiences, our lives, our families, our friends...

Basically, if this election doesn't go the way that you're hoping- don't give up. just remember what's important to you.

Friday, October 17, 2008

3rd Debate Summary -Kind Of...

I was a bit sleepy during the 3rd Presidential debate the other night, but let me give a summary in case anyone missed it. I've paraphrased most of the responses for easy reading.

Moderator: Question blah,blah blah? To Obama first-
Obama:Yadda, Yadda
McCain: I have the scars. I've done hat, been there. I have a history. He wants to tax you. Joe the plumber!
Obama: Someone get the old man a Q-tip. As I stated before, my plan is this...
McCain:Robin Hood wants to redistribute your wealth. He's gonna tax you! Joe the plumber...
Obama: Joe the plumber...get the man a hearing plan is this...

Moderator: Let's move on to the next question...
McCain: Terrorist!
Obama: Am not
McCain:Watch this guy, he's shifty. Who is he? Hangs with terrorists...
Obama: I'm not gonna have terrorists in the White House...
McCain: Feel scared yet, America? BOOGEY BOOGEY!
Obama: As I stated before...
McCain:Don't trust the terrorist, he's going to spend lots of Joe the plumber's money and then he's going to fine him for not giving his employees' medical insurance. Everyone should fear the scary liberal. The boogey man is coming...
Moderator: Next question...

McCain: FREEZE ALL SPENDING! Joe the plumber...
Obama: Joe the plumber needs a scalpel
McCain: I used to have a pen...a sharpie...I'll use it. The black guy wants to spend more...
Obama: This old guy is getting crabby, he needs a nap. Like I said before, under your program, Palin's special needs kid's program wouldn't have funding
McCain: Terrorist! Big Spender! Joe the plumber...
Obama" As I said before...
McCain:I'm not Bush. You should have run 4 years ago
Obama:If I'm a big spending liberal, you might as well be Bush

Moderator:Let's focus for another question- negative ads...
McCain: Hey, I'm trying to win and he's not making it easy. Besides, it's politics
Obama:You've been calling me names
McCain: Did not!
Obama: Did too!
McCain:You let them call me names and didn't apologize...and at least I defended you and said you weren't a Muslim...just a terrorist
Obama: I didn't say anything- why would I apologize?
McCain:Anyone know a good support group for name calling? Obama's gonna hurt Joe, Joe....Joe the plumber...
Obama:Can we pause so he can have a nap?

By the way, from BBC online (about "Joe"):
"However, a bit of media digging has uncovered that Mr Wurzelbacher's first name is actually Samuel and he does not have a plumber's licence, although the company he works for does.

According to Tony Herrera, of the Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 50 in Toledo, Ohio, Mr Wurzelbacher cannot practise in Toledo without a licence - although he can work for someone with a master's licence or in outlying areas that do not require a licence.

According to local court records, Mr Wurzelbacher also owes the state of Ohio $1,182.98 in personal income tax.

Mr Wurzelbacher acknowledged he did not have a plumber's licence and admitted in one interview he was "not even close" to earning $250,000."

McCain is 2 for 2. First he chooses Palin without meeting her, now Joe..err...Samuel...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Here's Your Bill

The National Debt Clock in NY has been taken down...because it needs more digits.

Who would have ever thought the country of apple pie, blue jeans and rock and roll would be borrowing money from China?

To really rub it in, the rise in oil prices has given Iraq a surplus of more than 6 million dollars. The cost of the Iraq War is now more than a trillion dollars. I've been hearing about this "surplus" for the past few months and I'm sure they are slowly using some of it on infrastructure issues and bribing more militia into compliance but I think it's time to pay the bill.

It time to write up an invoice or send them the bill for this occupation:

  • Removal of dictator (regardless of false reasons for invasion) $300 billion
  • Bribing militias to comply and help with the "surge" $100 billion
  • Training of new security personnel and law enforcement $3 million
  • Early "exit" penalty and handing over security to local government $100 billion
As an added incentive, we will ship "W" to you once we're done with him.

We will gladly accept payment in Visa, Mastercard or oil barrels...

By the way, it's time to start taking credits on the money we owe China since they refuse to pay over $100 billion owed to us. Someone needs to send Condoleeza out to recycle cans. Hey - every bit helps!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Who Would You Appoint To Government?

I have all these ideas running through my head so here goes -

I was watching the debate-less "debate" tonight and started wondering about who should lead what. Let me explain. Regardless of who leads, you are only as good as your team, right? This true in sports, business and government.

In the last 8 years, we have learned the hard way that hubris is the ultimate enemy and can cause a leader to believe that they are always right and require the counsel of no one. This recent hubris can only be compared to the old idea that a king was appointed by god.

Since we've learned the importance of counsel, I was interested in who would the candidates choose to build their ultimate team? Here are a few of my suggestions:

  1. We can't forget Hilary. I'll admit, I was the first to hate this woman before, but she made a believer out of me. I'd think somewhere with health care would be appropriate but maybe Sec of State (Rice's position) would suit her even better. I could see her ironing out some of the foreign jams we've gotten ourselves into in the past 8 years and no one would argue with a woman in a pant suit!
  2. Buffet for Treasury? Ok. We're on the right track. You know how the post office needs to be run like a business instead of a government office to get it running smoothly (who wants to wait in those lines)? Well, our Treasury Secretary needs to be a businessman. Put Bloomberg there. I guarantee we'll hate him for 4 years -but we'll be back in line. There's nothing like a businessman to put you back in the black.
  3. Energy - Guys, you don't need and energy plan! Click here and take this one from T. Boone Pickens. It's in video format, so you non-readers don't have to sweat it. Just click and view. Put him in charge and let him roll with it. You can put him in charge of building the wind farms also.
  4. Defense - This is tough. It's easy to feel warm and fuzzy at night if some military person is in control, but we'd need someone who's not trigger happy.
Please submit all suggestions to your candidates.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Personal Moment

My Grandmother turned 97 on October 4th. It seems surreal that for almost a century she's walked on this earth and is still in good shape. Don't get me wrong - her pill case would make a college kid drool, but none of them are for major diseases and she goes out on "walkabouts" around the city on an almost daily basis. She's a sharp contrast to those old people in the rocking (or wheel) chairs that are always celebrated by Willard Scott on NBC.

We celebrated her birthday as we do every year. We tell her that just the immediate family is going out to dinner and when she agrees, we add a few friends and family to make her night special. As I sat there last night (the only person under 50), I just observed the conversation and wondered..."when"?

When did I become the family planner & organizer? I'm by no means the patriarch of this ragtag group of senior misfits, yet the uncle that stepped up to the plate is practically absent from our lives. My father - out of state. Somehow the responsibility has been passed down to me.

Don't get me wrong. These annual birthday dinners were my idea. I started them when she was 92. I figured what could you possibly want at 92 years old? You pretty much have everything or have decided you don't really need anything you don't have. I would assume at that age, human relationships are what matter. The connections you made during those 9+ decades are what stands in your mind the most - not the 46" TV you bought last year.

I guess I just somehow missed the "tag" to tell me I was "in". Somehow, in the course of life's events, power switched from the ruling class to me and I missed it. Now it's my turn to make sure all the 70+ year old "kids" ( my mother and grandmother) keep out of the street and get in the car. Somehow now I'm responsible for important date reminders and chauffeur service. Somehow it's now up to me to teach the use of remote controls, cell phones, features on air conditioners and how the satellite TV works. I have to pre-screen dinner options for things I know they don't like and it's me calling around 10 P.M. to make sure they arrived home safely from wherever their adventures led them today. It's also me yelling "why did I give you a cell phone if you're not going to use it" when it's late and I can't locate them.

I'm not complaining. This is life, and it chooses to run it's course regardless of how many comment cards I choose to send in.

I'm just saying that somehow, I missed the email...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

An Open Post To The Presidential (and VP) Candidates

To the Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates,

With a little over a month left until the November election, there are a few topics and issues that you have found "surprising" and that I find disturbing considering the job you are attempting to acquire. For future reference, let me point out a few points that those of us on "Main St." have not found surprising, but somehow you do:
  1. Corporations left unwatched will consistently increase their profits while stepping all over the little guy
  2. That poor guy that you claim won't want to pay for his state "sponsored" insurance because it will cost more than his employer's insurance NEVER HAD INSURANCE to begin with. He was never able to afford it.
  3. Muslim states are really led by the head Imam, not the president. Talking to the president is like brokering a deal with Queen Elizabeth...
  4. The world hates us. The days of "bring me some blue jeans from America" (in an eastern European voice) are over. We need a diplomat and a PR firm...
  5. American kids are stupid. We are ranked like 20 out of 27 in education among industrial nations. We need to control the A.D.D. generation now before all is lost or you'll be reading about the decline of American society in a text message...
In addition, we would like to stop hearing the following on both sides:
  1. Any Main St. Vs. Wall St. comparison
  2. Any comments about either side not being patriotic
  3. All guilt trips to vote for McCain because he was a POW and a war hero.
  4. We get it! EVERYONE loves Israel. Move on...
  5. The phrase "drill baby, drill."
  6. The words "Maverick", "Surge", "Bail-out", and "'betcha"
  7. The "lost babe in the woods" routine
  8. Age comments - he's too old/young
  9. Any animal references
Thank you.
The Voting Public

" put some more lipstick on that pig..."