Friday, October 17, 2008

3rd Debate Summary -Kind Of...

I was a bit sleepy during the 3rd Presidential debate the other night, but let me give a summary in case anyone missed it. I've paraphrased most of the responses for easy reading.

Moderator: Question blah,blah blah? To Obama first-
Obama:Yadda, Yadda
McCain: I have the scars. I've done hat, been there. I have a history. He wants to tax you. Joe the plumber!
Obama: Someone get the old man a Q-tip. As I stated before, my plan is this...
McCain:Robin Hood wants to redistribute your wealth. He's gonna tax you! Joe the plumber...
Obama: Joe the plumber...get the man a hearing plan is this...

Moderator: Let's move on to the next question...
McCain: Terrorist!
Obama: Am not
McCain:Watch this guy, he's shifty. Who is he? Hangs with terrorists...
Obama: I'm not gonna have terrorists in the White House...
McCain: Feel scared yet, America? BOOGEY BOOGEY!
Obama: As I stated before...
McCain:Don't trust the terrorist, he's going to spend lots of Joe the plumber's money and then he's going to fine him for not giving his employees' medical insurance. Everyone should fear the scary liberal. The boogey man is coming...
Moderator: Next question...

McCain: FREEZE ALL SPENDING! Joe the plumber...
Obama: Joe the plumber needs a scalpel
McCain: I used to have a pen...a sharpie...I'll use it. The black guy wants to spend more...
Obama: This old guy is getting crabby, he needs a nap. Like I said before, under your program, Palin's special needs kid's program wouldn't have funding
McCain: Terrorist! Big Spender! Joe the plumber...
Obama" As I said before...
McCain:I'm not Bush. You should have run 4 years ago
Obama:If I'm a big spending liberal, you might as well be Bush

Moderator:Let's focus for another question- negative ads...
McCain: Hey, I'm trying to win and he's not making it easy. Besides, it's politics
Obama:You've been calling me names
McCain: Did not!
Obama: Did too!
McCain:You let them call me names and didn't apologize...and at least I defended you and said you weren't a Muslim...just a terrorist
Obama: I didn't say anything- why would I apologize?
McCain:Anyone know a good support group for name calling? Obama's gonna hurt Joe, Joe....Joe the plumber...
Obama:Can we pause so he can have a nap?

By the way, from BBC online (about "Joe"):
"However, a bit of media digging has uncovered that Mr Wurzelbacher's first name is actually Samuel and he does not have a plumber's licence, although the company he works for does.

According to Tony Herrera, of the Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 50 in Toledo, Ohio, Mr Wurzelbacher cannot practise in Toledo without a licence - although he can work for someone with a master's licence or in outlying areas that do not require a licence.

According to local court records, Mr Wurzelbacher also owes the state of Ohio $1,182.98 in personal income tax.

Mr Wurzelbacher acknowledged he did not have a plumber's licence and admitted in one interview he was "not even close" to earning $250,000."

McCain is 2 for 2. First he chooses Palin without meeting her, now Joe..err...Samuel...

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