I don't know, but I feel like the older I get, the more I'm disappointed by humanity. This should come as no surprise to those of you that know me. For example, I've often stated that the best way to resolve the centuries of fighting over the Holy Land is to nuke the area and take away the point of contention. That being stated, during my life I instinctively have tried to find the good in things and people -mostly to my disappointment.
At work I'm constantly trying to build a better team that gels together. Time and time again, however, I am disappointed by employees that lie to me, rip me off or break the rules. Not only do I feel as if a significant amount of my time was wasted when they end up getting fired, but I take personal offense to waste of the rapport that had to be built between me and the employee to run a smooth team. I was thinking of this today and I was trying to put things in perspective. If I'm disappointed about an employee, I can't even imaging the disappointment of a parent finding out that their flesh and blood child has been arrested, raped another person or even killed. I would imagine the disappointment would be heart wrenching.
It makes you wonder why. Why bring another body into this world just to be disappointed later? Yeah, I know, theres a chance that if you did the right thing during it's formative years, you'll be rewarded with a gem in your bloodline. In actuality, though, since they are their own person, it's more likely that they will eventually disappoint you. A lot more likely. Expecting anything different is like betting on the three legged horse at the derby and expecting to come in first.
I'm sure there are a lot of redeeming human qualities, but today my mood is probably closest to that of Mark Twain while writing The Mysterious Stranger.
Well, tomorrow's another day.
Past glory
Today, I attended my high school reunion and was feeling good about the gym
progress I’d made. Looking fabulous, I was ready to relive my glory days
when I...
3 hours ago
You know, seems we're getting older and everyone's getting married and having kids. I made the comment to my sister that I didn't understand it all. And she made the point that it's because I don't have my "shit" together. Maybe she's right? At least in my case I'm behind the curve and don't have all my ducks in a row. It's like life has become a big Apatow movie, heheheheeh. Oh well, sometimes life disappoints, just gotta have a sense of humor about it :). Geez, what a post to write on Mother's Day weekiend??? Heheheheheheh :).
If I don't have kids who am I going to live vicariously through when I am in my 50s?
Hi - just had to write. While I understand your thought process and all, it just doesn't work that way. At least not if you really love your kids and are trying to be a good parent. The idea that your kids will inevitably disappoint you only works if you have certain things that they have to live up to. And while murder, rape, etc would fall below those expectations, most kids aren't going to grow up to be that. But when you talk about the normal life stuff that they disappoint you with, well the whole point of parenting is to get them to live a life that makes THEM happy - not you. So I really want my son to have a big wedding to a wonderful woman and have lots of grandkids for me. Those are MY wants not his. What if he is gay? Am I disappointed? No - I love him and want him happy. And lots of times they are going to take the hard road or the wrong turn or whatever and normally that disappoints me not so much because of the choice itself but because I now have to watch someone I love very much live with difficult consequences. So basically, let me sum up. If your only major requirement of your child is their happiness, you'll be disappointed a lot less.
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