On February 10th, the coast guard in the Philippines captured a photo of 200-300 disoriented dolphins drifting towards the coast in what would have resulted in a mass dolphin "self-beaching" event like no other (read original NatGeo article here).
There is speculation that high levels of mercury and/or toxins spread by man are disorienting the dolphins and causing them to beach themselves. Or maybe they've just had enough. We've seen this somewhere before...with the bees.
Large quantities of bees have been disappearing for years now (check out nature episode here). Colony collapse disorder or CCD is the name given to the event where bees in several countries are just disappearing and leaving no trace to help us figure out a reason. Food and larvae have been found in many of the hives -but no dead bodies. Speculation includes pesticide and toxins damaging the bees' navigation system (and making them unable to find their hive after going out for pollen) and sickness caused by mites.
Maybe it's because I just finished watching "The Happening," but it almost seems like the earth's creatures have started losing their will to live. If the survival instinct is gone, what's next? The idea of bees and dolphins committing the animal kingdom's equivalent of Seppuku is probably the gloomiest thought to ever go through my head. Have we forced nature to give up on us by treating the world like crap for hundreds of years? Is nature trying to give itself a clean slate and start over?
With all the hoopla about the world ending in 2012, it makes you wonder...
Past glory
Today, I attended my high school reunion and was feeling good about the gym
progress I’d made. Looking fabulous, I was ready to relive my glory days
when I...
3 hours ago