I'm single. I say that first because it usually brings this stereotype of an empty apartment, dust on the TV, an empty refrigerator and no groceries in the cabinets. Most meals come from take out or are eaten out and if I buy more than a pint of milk it curdles.
I guess I match the stereotype perfectly.
That being said, not in a million years would I invite a camera crew to come into my apartment and broadcast my life to a world audience on TV and maybe even the internet. Yesterday I watched a show on BBC called "How Clean Is Your House?" In case you haven't seen it, here's the summary:
Some nasty family (yep, they are RARELY single) calls a TV crew to come into their house and clean it up. As a result, the world gets to see that you piss and crap on your bathroom walls and have fungus growing in the corners of your kitchen. Who in their right mind would ever visit these people EVER AGAIN?
To me, this is worse than the "clutter hounds" who have their clutter purged and organized for them on TV . Worse than the cesspool of subjects that have made the "Jerry Springer Show" popular for so many years. More recently, contestants on the TV game show "The Moment of Truth" have been willing to air all their dirty laundry and risk all of their personal relationships (including marriage) for a chance at money. At least this motivation I can comprehend. I can see how the desire to have more money and better your life situation may be a seductive reward that some may think is worth risking relationships. Besides, if they love you they'll understand...right?
The others don't receive any monetary reward. They just get their 15 minutes of fame (22 minutes to be exact since the program runs a half hour). Is the need to make that mark on the world so great that people don't mind how they make it?
I'm almost offended at what a person is willing to do to have their thoughts known and their ideas heard.
And yet, I'm writing a blog. Has it been 15 minutes yet?
Thow it!
Today, I was having a conversation with a friend at the park when my dog
ran up to me with something in his mouth. I thought it was a stick. I bent
down to...
55 minutes ago
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