It is mankind's instinct to try to better itself and protect itself from harm. Years ago we began vaccinations for babies and we were able to eliminate the pox and other viruses. We also instinctively always want more. We vaccinate everyone to the point that viruses and diseases find a way to mutate into something stronger and resistant to antibiotics. We put hormones in our milk for decades and you can't tell me that after years of the dairy lobbyists telling us to "drink milk" they aren't the reason that 13 year old kids have a size 15 shoe size. What possible genetic improvement could this have been if not pushed by human intervention?
It's also no secret that kids have a shorter childhood. Kids are spending less time playing with toys and in the land of make believe. Too soon they are exposed to violence and sex. Kids are dressing like adults. Twelve year old boys pretending they are pimps. Thirteen year old girls wearing pants that say "juicy" on their rear. Seriously - I saw this on my lunch hour. What are they thinking? What are the parents thinking? Didn't seeing that Jon Benet Ramsey pic where she's dressed up like a whore disturb anyone else? This is what happens when we allow schools and television to raise the next generation.
You need a license to fish, but they allow any moron to have a child.
**** me, I guess!
Today, one of my clients fired me from my cleaning job, all because I had
to cancel last minute after I had to drive myself to the hospital with a
severe a...
3 hours ago
Yipes! Take our curmudgeon pill today? And to think it isn't even "Back to School" season yet!
Deez Nutz!
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