Friday, August 3, 2012

Another Year, Another Reflective Moment

So I celebrated my birthday a few months ago. In all it was a great week and I feel blessed to have such good friends.

A year ago on a trip to Vegas, I realized I was beginning to freak out about turning 39.  I didn't realize this until I realized the woman I was hanging out with asked me "so how old are you really?" She was only 24. When did THAT happen? When did I become the old guy in the bar? I thought that if I'm freaking out now, imagine how I'll act when I hit the big four-O.

Suddenly, with my drink in hand, I began searching for the accrued knowledge I must posses. Certainly there must be some gem I possess, right? Instead, I came up with a few thoughts -some of which I'm sure you've heard before:
  1. Cherish your family and friends (my friends are my extended family)
  2. Enjoy the satisfaction of a good day's work and a job done well. Too many others don't understand this personal satisfaction
  3. Accept that it's ok to not be "that guy." I can visualize how to build furniture, but my hand/eye coordination won't allow me to do it efficiently-at least not without providing entertainment for my friends. I'm no good at assembling stuff. I accept that and move on...
  4. There is only one gift you can't purchase more of-time. Does your mother and grandmother need another gift card or would they prefer a night talking to you over a good meal? Be aware of time- both yours and others'...
  5. When it comes to your closest friends, better to be honest and cause a little friction than be dishonest and build resentment. Friction passes, resentment kills relationships.
  6. Don't do things you really don't want to unless it pertains to familial responsibilities. You may have to go to the birthday of you 3rd cousin, but you don't have to go someplace you don't enjoy and fake happiness for friends. If they are really friends, you wouldn't mind and they wouldn't expect you to. See above comment about resentment...
  7. Money isn't everything. Some of the happiest people don't have a pot to piss in. Life is all about perspective.
  8. Work isn't everything. Make sure you have a life outside of it.
  9. Travel relaxes the mind and the soul. 
  10. Alone isn't lonely.

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