Maybe it's, maybe...or maybe it's MY generation looking back. Let me just get to the point....
Oreos are chocolate. The cookies are chocolate and dark. The cream is white. If you wish, you can order it in mint (are those still around?) or double stuff (giggity), but the idea is chocolate cookies and cream inside. This latest farce that Nabisco is passing off as an Oreo is NOT, I repeat NOT, an Oreo. It is some warped version of one. Some sort of mutated sunshine cookie with cream inside. Honestly, after having tried this abomination, I consider some of the no frills 2 for $1 sunshine cookies from the local bodega (grocery store for you non-New Yorkers) of better quality.
Next on the hit list is this idea of being a street tough guy and going for a "spa day." Sorry guys, the two things don't go together. I was flipping through the TV and MTV had the best dance crews or some crap like that. First, Mario Lopez? MTV picked SLATER from Saved By The Bell to give this show street cred? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wasn't he one of the hosts of The View or something? (Yeah, I know that's all women, and yet he still belongs. See how clever I am?) Second, how can this tough ass group come out to show their crew's moves (translation = choreographed dance) and then in the interview show that they're a tough crew ...who sometimes needs a spa day.
Do I really need to continue this rant? How about one more...
"Over-matching" your outfit. Let me give you an example. If you walk out wearing your new red Air Jordan Retro XXXXVVIIII Limited Editions and you matched you shirt, pants and hat to the exact color on the shoes (basically if you look like a big Crayola crayon) - you're over-matched. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't understand, youth today, it's the style, blah, blah, blah. You're supposed to match colors, not pick one and run with it. Unless you're a ninja - and I've never seen a ninja in red and white Nikes.
That's all I have to say.
**** me, I guess!
Today, one of my clients fired me from my cleaning job, all because I had
to cancel last minute after I had to drive myself to the hospital with a
severe a...
3 hours ago
Something happened to the Oreos O.o??? Heheheheheh Sunshine cookies :). I never could trust Hydrox cookies. Sounded like medicine :). Mint Oreos are great :).
Sorry pal, you may be too young to remember but my generation overdosed on matching outfits. Back in '83 the b-boys would match sneaker, Lee twills, Kangols and Izod polo shirts in the most amazing rainbows of tackiness you ever saw. (See Run DMC).
Are you taking about the chocolate covered Oreos? For welfare baked goods nothing beats Little Debbie-now that's ghetto!
I'm talking about that Yellow cookie and cream sham that Nabisco calls golden Oreos.
Wow apparently these go back to 2005. You'll crack up and have a field day when you see this :).
I commented on that Vegan website but they haven't approved it. I said something to the effect that it didn't matter if the cookies were vegan because they were still awful.
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