It was a rough week. My dad had a medical procedure this week, work has been annoying and there's this "moment". This was the moment I had been dreading for the past few weeks. It shouldn't be significant, but mentally the numbers gather significance as time passes. As of 1:25 A.M. June 16th, I turned 35. Ouch! Just thinking about it hurts. For those of you that don't know me, the birthday blues has been a problem of mine during socially significant years 18,21,31 and now 35. I guess at each stage I just take a deeper look in the mirror.
I sure somewhere there's a guy who just turned 35 and is looking back and hating his life. That's not me. Are there things I'd like to change, sure. The point of life is to continuously try to improve your situation -whether it's professionally or socially. On the weekend of my birthday I just feel happy, loved and yes, a bit drunk. :) I look at my dad who just turned 75 and has no friends and barely any family. Weird for someone who had 12 other siblings. He's spent a large part of his life distrusting everyone he's met and is always thinking someone is out to get him.
On my weekend, I spent time with my close friends and family, talked or emailed those who couldn't be around, laughed at funny cards (both email & paper -even musical), ate a home cooked meal and consumed more whiskey, rum and Mike's Hard Lemonade than is probably recommended at my age! Basically I enjoyed every minute of it.
I wish I could list what I've learned thus far and all that crap, but what's the point? We all have to learn the lessons for ourselves. I will say that you should enjoy every change that was for the better and spend time getting to know yourself. At 18, I was quick to rage. I could feel my blood boil. At 35, I hate to admit that I'm more emotional and sometimes even seem to wear my heart on my sleeve. I used to laugh at one of my friends because he would get emotional at the end of many movies. I mean like Monsters and Shrek. You know what, I've realized that if you're at the point in life where you can't feel, or get emotional over something stupid or just have a good ol' Tony Soprano moment when you scan the room appreciating all of your friends and family, then you've missed part of the point of this whole experience.
The best advice I can give is my favorite quote from Wulf Zendik:
"The Moment is your big chance-grab it-it will not come again. The moment is unique, unlike any that preceded, unlike any that follows. Revel in its pleasures and peer deeply into its pain-understand the why of pain-it is an effect. Its cause is a lethargy in Living. The lethargy of waiting-waiting a moment more deserving of attention. That is Life passing you by while you wait...Whatever you do-do it totally-
Do it Now..."
- Wulf Zendik
**** me, I guess!
Today, one of my clients fired me from my cleaning job, all because I had
to cancel last minute after I had to drive myself to the hospital with a
severe a...
3 hours ago
Hey Dude, belated Happy Birthday!!! Very profound words. I know I'm not going to be as cheerful when my turn comes up in a few months :(. But you're right, the world turns and things go on with or without you. Just gotta make the best of things. Hope your Dad is doing well. Best wishes.
Tave...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!So sorry it is late but hey better late than never.Sounds like a blast of a celebration. My day is coming soon and I sworny I feel younger now than I did 5 years ago. My life is sooo different I see the world so differently. Age is a number (I say that now because I am dating guys younger than me :) but it really is just a number. Live my friend live and be free to experience joy, love, heartache, boredom, excitement...have those first times as much as possible. I went to Missouri and Kansas for the first time this week. I just want to have adventures...and no I am not drunk :) later jada
I didn't forget....I've been driving around with your gift in my car for 2 weeks. K.E.
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