So for the last 4 hours I've been trying to figure out what to write.
When I got home from work today after unsuccessfully trying to avoid the staff spy network "surprising" me with a birthday cake, I went to pick up my mail off the floor and instead found a letter from Bridget Jordan, the manager of the post office in my neighborhood. Apparently, some idiot across the street has been allowing Cujo to roam unattended and has managed to not only take down the local mail man, but also the only back up. As a result, I am supposed to physically go to the post office and pick up my mail until this matter is "resolved with the dog owner."
The letter reeks of "please go vigilante justice all over Cujo," but I also wondered that if they were able to drop off the note in my mail slot today, why didn't they at least drop off today's mail for me?
If you ask my closest friends you'll find out that I am sometimes the worst around my birthday. I get grumpy, introspective and mentally chase my tail around thoughts and problems that have no solution. That's just how my brain works.
So after a grumpy day at work and 5 hours of listening to what is now considered "oldies" music, I have mellowed out and completed most of my reflecting. Let it be noted that I had Green Day's Good Riddance -Time of your Life on repeat for half an hour...
See, I'm a practical person, so I get it. I have great friends and my immediate family is still around to nag me at my every turn. How many don't have those 2 basic things?
I'm lucky to have a great family and a great set of friends that cook and bake for my birthday then get hammered at the bar in my honor. I'm blessed to feel that at any given moment, they have "my back."
Thanks guys.
**** me, I guess!
Today, one of my clients fired me from my cleaning job, all because I had
to cancel last minute after I had to drive myself to the hospital with a
severe a...
3 hours ago
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