New Year's eve is again upon us and most of us take a few minutes to reflect on the changes in the past year. This particular New Year happens to also be the end of the first decade of a new millennium, so probably more reflection is required, but I'll just jot down a few things that went though my head at the time I started writing this.
First, I'd be lying if I didn't admit that not much has changed with my job. The next great American novel still eludes me like a gazelle to a lion. However, considering how many times I'm reminded that those of us that have jobs are lucky, I won't complain. There is always next year.
My 98 year old grandmother is still adding enjoyment to my life and both parents are in good health.
I am surrounded by a great group of friends who accept me as I am and aren't afraid to tell me off when I need a reality check. The type of friends that ask you if you are ok after you fall down stairs and then start laughing hysterically when you tell them that you are not hurt.
It has been a year of changes in the lives of those around me. Friends moving in together, running (and not running) for office, basements remodeled, moving cross country, several went M.I.A. for a time being and others were found again through Facebook (in spite of my reluctance). Bars every night and movies at the house with take out have given way to less frequent poker nights and dinner at new restaurants to catch up.
A friend mentioned that sometimes you don't notice how much time has lapsed until you see the change in friends' children. You blink and kids that were two are on the way to eight. The documentation to prove this is a plethora of digital evidence across numerous states and cameras.
That being said, I have learned a lot this year about myself and about (and from) those around me and I look forward to what is coming in 2010.
Happy New Year!
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